What is FAST4 Tennis?

FAST4 is a scoring method which speeds up the normal game of tennis even more. It’s shorter and faster, but still competitive. We can sum it up like this: 

  • First to 4 games wins a set 

  • Tie-break at 3 games all to 7 points, 2 clear at 6-6 

  • Match tie-break at 1 set all to 10 points, 2 clear at 9-9 

  • No advantage scoring  

How do I enter a Competition?

ONLINE ENTRY • All entries for the Winter & Summer County Tour and LTA Youth Local Tour must be made via the online entry system on the LTA website by entering the relevant tournament code.

Payment details will be required at time of online entry. Stripe will be used as the payment system and the entry fee will be taken at the time of entry. Once entered you can check your entry has been received by going to the entrant list for that tournament using the Competition Management System. You must ensure that your name is on the entrant list before the closing date in order to be considered for the tournament. If you experience any problems with online entry and your name does not appear on the entrants list you must contact the Tournament Organiser before the entry closing date for a valid entry to be considered. Once entered you will receive an email acknowledging receipt of entry. This is not an acceptance notification. If you do not receive the entry email please contact the Tournament Organiser straight away, and before the entry closing date. Please keep the automated email acknowledgement of entry which you will receive after successfully submitting an online entry as proof of entry. Please remember to update your LTA Membership details with your correct contact details as these will be used to communicate with you.

Tournament FAQ

How do I withdraw from an LTA Competition?